Publication records
Pierre Denelle
This vignette contains a list of publications that cite or use the
R package, as of 10 of March 2025. It may be useful if
you are looking for case studies or examples of specific functionality.
Peer-reviewed research articles
16. Quan, Y., Hederström, V., Ekroos, J., Menubarbe, P., Krausl, T.,
& Clough, Y. (2025) Landscape composition influences invertebrate
herbivory on flowering forbs in semi-natural grasslands. Basic and
Applied Ecology.
15. Guerrero, P., Contador, T., Díaz, A., Escobar, C., Orlando, J.,
Marín, C., & Medina, P. (2025) Southern Islands Vascular Flora
(SIVFLORA) dataset: A global plant database from Southern Ocean islands.
Scientific Data.
14. Wunderlich, R.F., Jamoneau, A., Boutry, S., Hosni, M., &
Bertrin, V.. (2025) Model-based management of macrophytes in shallow
lakes under warming. Journal of Environmental Management.
13. Dugerdil, L., Peyron, O., Violle, C., Joannin, S., Ménot, G.,
Denelle, P., Bruelheide, H., Chytrý, M., Field, R., Hatim, M. Z.,
Gholizadeh, H., Dolezal, J., Pillar, V. D., Shaltout, K. H., Schrodt,
F., & Garnier, E. (2025) Functional Signatures of Surface Pollen and
Vegetation Are Broadly Similar: Good News for Past Reconstructions of
Vegetation. Journal of Biogeography.
12. Frisk, C., & Hanslin, M. (2025) Optimizing plant species
composition of green roofs for ecological functionality and biodiversity
conservation. Urban Ecosystems.
11. Cai, L., Kreft, H., Denelle, H., Taylor, A., Craven, D., Dawson,
W., Essl, F., van Kleunen, M., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Winter, M.,
Cabezas, F., Wagner, V., Pelser, P., Wieringa, J. & Weigelt, P.
(2024) Environmental filtering, not dispersal history, explains global
patterns of phylogenetic turnover in seed plants at deep evolutionary
timescales. Nature in Ecology and Evolution.
10. Barrasso, C., Krüger, R., Eltner, A., Cord, A. (2024) Mapping
indicator species of segetal flora for result-based payments in arable
land using UAV imagery and deep learning. Ecological
9. Schrader, J., Weigelt, P., Cai, L., Westoby, M.,
Fernández-Palacios, J.-M., Cabezas, F., Plunkett, G., Ranker, T.,
Triantis, K., Trigas, P., Kubota, Y. & Kreft, H. (2024) Islands are
key for protecting the world’s plant endemism. Nature.
8. Aros-Mualin, D. Kessler, M. Untangling poikilohydry and
desiccation tolerance: evolutionary and macroecological drivers in
ferns. Annals of Botany mcae167.
7. Chumová, Z., Havlíčková, E., Zeisek, V., Šemberová, K., Mandáková,
T., Euston-Brown, D. and Trávníček, P. (2024), Deciphering Pteronia’s
evolution in the Cape Floristic Region: A comprehensive study disputes
polyploid deficiency and affirms diploid radiation. Plant J,
119: 2236-2254.
6. Avery L. Russell, Stephen L. Buchmann, John S. Ascher, Zhiheng
Wang, Ricardo Kriebel, Diana D. Jolles, Michael C. Orr, Alice C. Hughes,
Global patterns and drivers of buzzing bees and poricidal plants,
Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 14, 2024, Pages 3055-3063.e5,
ISSN 0960-9822
5. Delavaux, C.S., Crowther, T.W., Bever, J.D., Weigelt, P., &
Gora, E. Mutualisms weaken the latitudinal diversity gradient among
oceanic islands. Nature 627, 335–339 (2024).
4. Roeble, L., van Benthem, K.J., Weigelt, P., Kreft, H., Knope,
M., Mandel, J., Vargas, P., Etienne, R., & Valente, L. Island
biogeography of the megadiverse plant family Asteraceae. Nat
Commun 15, 7276 (2024).
3. Fan, Sy., Yang, Q., Li, Sp., Fristoe, T., Cadotte, M.W., Essl, F.,
Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M.,
Wieringa, J., & van Kleunen, M. A latitudinal gradient in Darwin’s
naturalization conundrum at the global scale for flowering plants.
Nat Commun 14, 6244 (2023).
2. Eva Benavides Rios, Jonathan Sadler, Laura Graham, Thomas J.
Matthews, Species distribution models and island biogeography:
Challenges and prospects, Global Ecology and Conservation,
Volume 51, (2024), e02943, ISSN 2351-9894
## 2023 1. Cai, Lirong, Holger Kreft, Amanda Taylor, Julian
Schrader, Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Mark van Kleunen, Jan Pergl, Petr
Pyšek, and Marten Winter. “Climatic Stability and Geological History
Shape Global Centers of Neo-and Paleoendemism in Seed Plants.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 30
(2023): e2300981120.
1. Domazetoski, V., Kreft, H., Bestova, H., Wieder, P., Koynov, R.,
Zarei, A., & Weigelt, P. (2024) Using natural language processing to
extract plant functional traits from unstructured text.